The Senior of the Month for July 2017 is Janice A. Hukill. We all know her as Jan. She is a regular member of the Eagle Point Senior Center and lives just across the street in Eagle Point.
Jan was born in Prescott, on April 26, 1938. She came from a family with five children, with 2 boys and 3 girls. She has been married three times and is the mother of six children, distributed between her marriages. The first resulted in 2 children, the second resulted in 3 children, and there was one child from the third marriage.
She worked almost her entire life as a mother and housewife. Anyone will agree that is hard labor! She spent time working for Harry and David as well.
Jan has a connection with the military. Her second husband was a Petty Officer, first class, electricians mate. And her third husband was in the Army. Jan will always support our Veterans.
She is a “rock hound.” She loves to collect rocks and told an interesting story about an acquaintance who asked her where to look for rocks, and Jan told the woman where she could find really interesting specimens. The woman found a rock with a partial human footprint in it! Jan figures the woman was supposed to find it and she told the woman not to misplace it, as it was a really good “find.”
Jan says the most interesting thing to happen to her was having children. She said, “Because here is so much involved. There is so much required and so much to learn!”
Jan considers mathematics to be her biggest obstacle. She said “Math was my humdinger! It was always my biggest problem!” Pun intended!
She considers finding the Lord and accepting Him as the biggest accomplishment.
Jan says that the most important lesson she has learned is to accept the word “no.” People should not think that a “no” is a negative thing and should not take it personally. Many times the person is just unable to fulfill the request at this time.
On the day that Jan was interviewed she had just been given the keys to her new apartment. It is larger than where she is living now, and she is really looking forward to moving in and getting her things around her in her new place. We wish Jan the best of luck in her new “digs”!