We are the Eagle Point Senior Center, a charity aimed at the well-being of senior citizens in Eagle Point and the surrounding community. We are located at 121 Loto Street in Eagle Point, OR. Our mailing address is PO Box 898. Any correspondence sent to our physical address will not be delivered so be sure to use the PO Box. Membership is open to anyone who is at least 50 years of age. Annual Membership is ONLY $12.00 per year per person. We think this is very reasonable.
We have regular members of our community who convene daily at our facility and in many cases, this is the only human interaction these folks have. The Senior Center provides coffee and pastries that are enjoyed by our regulars for a small donation. We know the families of our seniors appreciate that their loved ones have a place to go to socialize.
The Senior Center is administered by a Board of Directors consisting of eight volunteers who run for office every June. The Senior Center is officially registered with the state of Oregon as District # 9 Senior Citizens Club but we are locally known as The Eagle Point Senior Center. The Board of Directors is governed by the By-Laws, recorded with the State, and the Standing Rules which are applicable to normal day to day operations. We are also a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the Federal Government IRS. Therefore, while members cannot write off their yearly dues from their taxes, any donations can be written off. We provide receipts, annotated with our tax-exempt number, to anyone who gives us a donation.
Through a partnership, we provide the venue for Food and Friends every weekday and in an average year, we and Food and Friends, provide over 10,000 meals to Eagle Point citizens. Generally, this partnership provides lunch for about 300 people who come in per month and about 500 meals are provided to homebound Eagle Point citizens. This activity also provides the only opportunity for someone to look in on these people. Sometimes, this is the only meal some of these people get in a day.
We own the building and the property. Our building is used by many organizations in Eagle Point. The Hawaii Club and the Upper Rogue Artists convene here, as do the Royal Loto Apartment residents. AA groups meet here 6 nights a week. There are several groups within the Senior Center organization that gather to provide fun activities for themselves and others. We have Quilters every Tuesday afternoon and on Thursdays there is gaming at the Center. Those groups pay a fee to the center for the use of the facility.
The Senior Center publishes a monthly Newsletter that is available at the front desk. It can also be sent via email if requested. Advertising in our publication is available for a nominal fee.
We host a Veteran’s Breakfast every year on Veteran’s Day and the program has been a huge success. Veteran’s eat free while others pay a small fee. This event is always well attended.
Our quilters produce many lovely quilts that are donated to young mothers or the VA Dom. One year some of our quilts were sent to Japan to the earthquake victims thus creating an international impact.
We offer Bingo every Monday afternoon, which provides fun for over 25 people every week. Bingo also provides regular revenue for the Senior Center. They donate over $200 per month.
One of the programs that has been instituted in the Center is "Let's Get Acquainted With". Our members nominate an individual to be the honoree. An interview is conducted with a profile and picture, then is published in our own newsletter and in the Upper Rogue Independent, our local newspaper. This helps all of our seniors get to know each other better and makes someone a “queen or king” for a month!
Several times a year we host a Pot Luck for our members and one guest. We provide the main course and the members sign up to bring their favorite sides, salads or desserts.
The Senior Center plans and arranges for many informational seminars throughout the year. These have included:
- Navigating the Medicare system.
- Dispensation of flu shots.
- Sharon Johnson of the Mail Tribune “Grandma’s Porch”
- The 211 program
- Multiple Alzheimer's presentations.
- Health Net.
- Long Term Care.
The Senior Center provides for entertainment as well. The big event every week is live music on Monday morning! This is always well attended by about 30 members and visitors.
Mercy Flights offers a “Combined Air and Ground Membership” through our center. We can sign up new members and can transfer others to our group to take advantage of our lower group rate.
Most of our revenue, about 60%, comes from the Thrift Store. The Store is open (M-F 8:30 am to 12:30 pm) to the public and our inexpensive clothing and household items are available to everyone. Excess goods, clothing, linen, shoes, video games and VCRs, etc., are donated to St. Vincent de Paul, the Gospel Mission and The Salvation Army.
We have many folks providing their time and efforts voluntarily to the Senior Center.
- Thrift Store; 8 volunteers provide 158 hours per month.
- Through our partnership with Food and Friends; 23 people provide over 320 hours per month.
- Board of Directors; 8 people provide over 350 hours per month.

Let’s Get Acquainted with Shirley Davis
A true Oregonian Shirley was born in Lakeview in April 1941. She has one older brother – he works in Alaska as a plumber, but, she says he’s not as… Read More
2022/2023 Board of Directors
- President: Alan Styles - recycleman831@aol.com - 831-206-8751
- Vice President: Wayne Lee wayneleemedia@yahoo.com - 541-288-3590
- Secretary: Stephanie Guptill Stephanieguptill042@yahoo.com - 541-538-9672
- Treasurer: Bob Heaton - robert.heaton@frontier.com - 503-703-2104
- Members at Large
- Judy Oberlander Judyob63@gmail.com - 541- 890-2481
- Kathie Hobson habusom1952@gmail.com - 541-879-3305
- Jeanne Heaton Heaton.jeanne33@gmail.com - 503-819-3224
- Sarah Paisley - 541-531-6118